Rush is an upcoming Bollywood thriller film directed by late Shamin Desai. The film is to feature Emraan Hashmi, Aditya Pancholi, Neha Dhupia and Sagarika Ghatge. The storyline will be based on media and crime. After the death of Shamin Desai, the project was completed by his wife Priyanka Desai under Percept Picture Company in association with Showman International. Originally expected to release on 26th October 2012, the film was pre-poned and will now release on 24th October 2012.
The story follows media, politics, crime and romance at the point of life and death. Sam Grover (Emraan Hashmi) is a struggling news reporter. Even though his talk show is at the pinnacle of success, his personal life has turned upside down due to problems with his wife (Sagarika Ghatge). Seeing no way out, he accepts an assignment offered by a dynamic media tycoon named Lisa (Neha Dhupia), which he believes can make him millions. However, along with Lisa, one of India’s most richest man, Roger Khanna (Aditya Pancholi), together play a game on Sam, which plunges him into a vortex of violence in a deadly game of cat and mouse. Beneath the veneer of glamour, money, power and the enviable life of media, lays a truth that is at once unbelievable and shocking.
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